Nervous Patients and Dental Sedation, Sutton, Surrey
Dentist services for nervous patients

Dr Abeer (Abi) Al-Adhami is a Dental Phobia Certified dentist.
Dr Noor Sharif is a sedation qualified dentist.
How can we help nervous patients?
Not many people enjoy or look forward to visiting the dentist, but for some just the thought sends them into panic including all kinds of emotions.
- At Abi Dental we appreciate that everybody has a story as to where their phobia started, there could be a number of different reasons or things that created it, for example; the sound of the drill, the smell of the practice, the fear of needles or embarrassment etc.
- I.V Sedation is an option available at AbiDental which enables us to help very nervous patients to overcome their dental phobias. Please scroll down for more information on sedation.
- Our team will never judge a person because they haven’t visited a dentist in years or they have loose teeth etc.
- We care & understand that life events and phobias can prevent people from making that call, but one of the hardest steps is admitting that you have a phobia and addressing how to confront it.
At Abi Dental we always offer a FREE consultation for new patients as we believe that if we invest our time into building trust and a personal relationship, we will break down that barrier that is the key to creating success and confidence with our patients. We never treat people as cases, we treat people as people. Together we can overcome your fears.
How can we help you?
Tip 1: Come and visit our surgery to have a look around, meet the team and have a chat with Abi and see our relaxed environment. Tell the receptionist that you’re anxious so we’ll know beforehand. You’ll always get a warm welcome and we’ll make time so you’re not rushed.
When you’re ready to book an appointment, the good news is that your first consultation is FREE! It will be a check-up and a chat, so you need not worry about having any treatment on your first visit.
Tip 2: Book a morning appointment so you’re not worrying all day.
Tip 3: Bring a friend or relative to your check-up, if that helps.
Tip 4: If you think it will help, start gradually with a clean and polish then work up to further treatment if it’s needed. You can wait until you’ve built up trust and rapport with us – we will go at your pace.
It is not uncommon for people to have such bad dental phobia that they haven’t seen a dentist for many years. We often hear from someone in their twenties or thirties or even older who hasn’t been to the dentist since childhood as they have bad memories of past dental treatment.
The good news is that advances in dentistry have improved techniques and now it can be virtually painless. We understand your fears and no one will judge you if your teeth haven’t been cared for recently, due to your fear.
What we give patients are solutions and positive outcomes without pain.
A numbing gel can be used to numb your gums before an injection so you don’t feel the needle. If you are extremely nervous we can talk about sedation to help you through treatment that requires anaesthetic.
You are not alone – so many people have had a painful experience, which has led to anxiety, it’s no wonder they get into a cold sweat just thinking about a trip to the dentist!
But at Abi Dental we have modern equipment, appropriate sedation techniques, and a gentle touch. We give patents time, go at their pace, making sure they feel in control of their appointment.
Some patients start with sedation but build their confidence to reduce their need for medication.
I.V. Sedation
I.V sedation means that you will be given an injection which makes you feel sleepy. It does not actually induce sleep; instead, you remain conscious and can follow instructions from our dentist.
However, the feelings of relaxation will be intense enough for you be unaware during your treatment & not to remember much about what happened. Is sedation dentistry the right choice for me? Anyone who is in need of dental treatment, either for health or cosmetic purposes, but has anxiety and fear about undergoing treatment, or has an extreme fear of needles is likely to benefit from sedation dentistry. In particular you may benefit from sedation dentistry if:
- You have painful or extremely sensitive teeth, making it hard for you to feel relaxed during treatment
- You have had a bad experience in the past and are feel extremely anxious about visiting the dentist
- You have a severe gag reflex and find it hard to tolerate any treatment in your mouth
- You have another medical condition such as Parkinson’s disease or Cerebral Palsy where you may find it difficult to control some of your body movements
- You need lengthy dental treatment and feel that sedation may help to cope better with longer but few dental appointments
Even if you have no dental phobias, you could still benefit from sedation if you have to undergo a procedure that may cause u to be anxious, or for a one off treatment that you would much rather be unaware of, for example implants or extractions.
Unlike most dental surgeries that charge by the hour for an anaesthetist to attend and carry out the I.V sedation, at Abi Dental intravenous sedation is carried out by Dr Abi Al-adhami and all assisting staff are S.A.A.D certified therefore allowing us to charge a flat fee per session rather than per hour which keeps the cost down considerably for the patient, so whether your appointment is for 1 hour or 4 hours the cost is the same.
Is it safe?
IV sedation is extremely safe but is not an available option if you are pregnant or have a history of glaucoma, lung or kidney problems and allergies to the sedative drug that we use. Sounds Interesting – How can I find out more? If you think that IV sedation may be for you, or maybe you just like to know a little more about it, then why not just give us a call and a member of our team will be happy to discuss it with you.
We would also be delighted to see you for one of our FREE Consultations, where we would be able to discuss with you in detail any treatment that you may require.
We would also advise you on your suitability for sedation and talk you though the process step by step.